看完了西敏寺, 我們沿著旁邊的泰晤士河, 過了西敏寺橋Westminster Bridge, 就到了有名的倫敦眼London Eye!

她是一座巨大的摩天輪, 就位在泰晤士河邊上, 坐上摩天輪可以俯瞰整個倫敦區, 因為人們從倫敦各處很容易就可以看到這個摩天輪, 就好像是一隻眼睛在那兒跟妳/你對望, 所以叫做London Eye囉! ^_^

記得2001年聖誕節, 史帝夫先生帶我去巴黎玩, 香榭大道上也有這麼一座巨大的摩天輪, 夜晚香榭大道炫麗繽紛, 配上閃閃發光的摩天輪, 摩登都會的夢幻氣息展現無遺! 或許, 摩天輪是最能代表人們在摩登炫麗的都會裡, 一個美夢成真的夢幻心情吧~~ ^_*

上圖: 位在泰晤士河邊上的倫敦眼London Eye!

中間2張小圖及下圖都是我們在遊覽其他景點時, 倫敦眼也不時地與我們對望ㄛ ^_*
未免各位看倌看到眼睛脫窗, 所以我在2張小圖裡加上箭頭標示, 妳/你看到倫敦眼在偷窺我們了嗎!? 哈哈~~

中左景點為大笨鐘, 中右景點我不太清楚, 嘿嘿!!

看完倫敦眼後已經下午一點了, 肚子也有點餓了, 還好倫敦眼邊上就有一家麥當勞, 就在上圖右邊那幢黑色屋頂的歐式建築之一樓及地下樓, 很特別吧! 所以當天我們還是以麥當勞當午餐, 我家先生還說, 現在才體會到麥當勞的好處, 真是自助行者方便又實惠的選擇! ^_*

如果對倫敦眼 London Eye 有興趣的人, 可以參考下面找到的資訊 --->

London Eye
Visitors wanting to see the city from a different point of view should take a 'flight' on the iconic British Airways London Eye. And if you'd rather not share the breathtaking views with your fellow sightseers as you climb 450 feet above the London skyline, simply your very own pod and experience these stunning vistas in comfort and style. Exclusive check-in, boarding and your choice of food and drink is included within the price, starting at £299 for three to ten people, including VAT.
(點裡頭藍色的Birtish Airways London Eye, 有官方網站連結)

British Airways London-Eye
Paris has the Eiffel Tower, New York the Empire State, and now London has the British Airways London Eye - an extraordinary symbol for an extraordinary city. The world's largest observation wheel offers a spectacular way to take in over 55 of London's most famous landmarks in just 30 minutes! Combine your flight on the Eye with a 45 minute circular cruise on the Thames. Departing from the pier next to the Eye the commentated tour takes you from the Houses of Parliament to the Tower of London and back to the London Eye.


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